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About Asena

I’m a traveler, eater, NYC-lover, and lawyer. Here’s what each one means for you.


I’m an expert traveler. I’ve traveled to 45 countries, have planned countless global vacations for myself and others, and am adamant about creating an itinerary and giving advice that is hyper-tailored to individual preferences. No two people have identical situations, so I don’t give rinse-and-repeat suggestions.


Few things make me happier than dining out and I know the scene. From the most underground, hole-in-the-wall places to the most upscale impossible-to-get-reservations at Michelin 3-star restaurants, I know where you should go. Restaurants, bars, cafes, grab-and-go, 24-hour spots, markets, food halls, food trucks – you name it, I know it.


Traveling to hundreds of cities around the world made me realize one thing: there is nowhere better than NYC. I love this city and I spend my free time exploring every nook and cranny there is. There is something for everyone.

So, if you’re just visiting, I can give you the scoop on everything you need to know about this city to make your trip successful. If you’re moving to NYC, I can streamline months of trial-and-error and set you up to succeed here.


I’m a lawyer who spent years in BigLaw, so I know a thing or two about wining and dining, networking/mentoring lunches, and client dinners. I get what you’re looking for to seal the deal. You are busy and I’ll save you all the work of figuring out where to go, providing a venue list tailored to your needs. Not to mention, I’m efficient and responsive (those years of urgent Friday night requests were not for nothing!).

Reach out here and let's talk about how I can help.

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